Invest in Canada Resource Page - Intelligent Health Invest in Canada | Intelligent Health AI | September 2020 | Online








Invest in Canada at

Intelligent Health 2020


DAY 1 – 9th of September 2020 – WORKSHOP

15:00 – 15:25

Ontario: Your destination for healthcare innovation
Yixin Guan, Senior Sector Advisor, Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade of the Government of Ontario

Mel Barsky, Director, Business Development, Centre of Aging and Brain Health Innovation

Carlo Perez,  CEO, Swift Medical


15:30 – 15:55

Québec’s ecosystem in health & AI

Isabelle Théroux, Conseillère spécialisée, Investissement Québec International

Katharina Benz, Délégation générale du Québec à Munich, Attachée économique

Florent Bouguin, Vice President, Chief Technology Officer


Pierre-Alexandre Fournier, Co-founder/CEO, Hexoskin

16:00 – 16:25

Greater Montreal : An AI Hub for Health

Léa Berlinguet, Project Director, Life Sciences and Health Technologies

Anna Soller, Project Director, German Europe

Frederic Laurin, Director, Partnerships. Mila

16:30 – 16:55

The Toronto Region, your AI in Healthcare entry point to North America
JanWillem Gille, Director Western Europe, Toronto Global

Matthew Johnson, Director, Industry Innovation, Vector Institute

17:00 – 17:25
Invest Brampton: Exploring Brampton’s Health & Life Science Eco-SystemMayor Patrick Brown, Mayor of the City of BramptonAmanda Leard, Manager, Investment Attraction, Invest BramptonAnes Rachid, FDI Marketing Coordinator, Invest Brampton
17:30 – 17:55
British Columbia: Delivering healthcare intelligence worldwide
Steve Lowry, Executive Director, AInBCMaryam Sadeghi, CEO, MetaOptimaDeepak Kaura, Chief Medical Officer, 1QbitLaetitia MacDougall, British Columbia Investment and Trade Specialist, Europe



DAY 2 – 10th Septemeber 2020 – CYBER SPACE

14:30 – 14:45 Accelerating Drug Discovery with Cyclica’s AI-Augmented Platform

Vern De Biasi, Global Head of Strategic Partnerships, Cyclica

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14:45- 15:00 ProteinQure – Introduction and case study on designing de-novo binders for intracellular targets

Lucas Siow, Co-Founder & CEO, Proteinequer

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15:00 – 15:15 emrchiver – A platform for migrating & enabling data from healthcare legacy systems.

Michael Lagowski, VP, Strategy & Product Development, Translucent Computing

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15:15 – 15:30 Automating your Covid-19 Absence Management Efforts

Andrew Heneghan, EU Sales Consultant, Andgo 

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15:30 – 15:45 Digital health solutions that help improve the lives of specialty patients and vulnerable populations with high unmet needs.

J. Manasse Theagene,  CEO, 360Medlink

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15:45 – 16:00 Ultrasound + Artificial intelligence. Enabling the stethoscope of the 21st century.

David Quail, VP of Technology Commercialization,

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16:00 – 16:15 Virtual collaboration around the patient

Alexandra T. Greenhill MD, CEO / CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER, Careteam

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16:15 – 16:30 The Power of Foresight

Amir Hayeri, CEO, bioconscious

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16:30 – 16:45 Maryam Sadeghi, CEO, MetaOptima Invest in Canada
16:45 – 17:00 emtelligent – Transforming Healthcare with Medical NLP

Tim O’Connell, CEO,  Emtelligent

Invest in Canada

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service

Now more than ever, the Trade Commissioner Service helps Canadian businesses grow with confidence by connecting them with international opportunities, funding and support programs, and our network of Trade Commissioners in over 160 cities worldwide.

Invest in Canada


Invest in Canada is Canada’s global investment attraction and promotion agency. Facilitating global investment that spurs job growth and makes Canada stronger, Invest in Canada is the foreign investor’s primary point of contact. Our customized services help global companies unlock investment opportunities in Canada.

Invest in Canada works directly with global investors to unlock investment opportunities and facilitate expansion in Canada. We bring industry, community and government partners together to offer seamless services that make it easy for you to grow your operations in Canada.


Brampton is on the verge of a significant and deliberate transformation. We’re energized with new knowledge and inspired by a new way of thinking. We have prioritized innovation and entrepreneurship to foster jobs and technological breakthroughs. Our workforce gives us a competitive edge and makes us a national leader for attracting, developing and retaining new jobs and talent. It’s a place where people want to live and make a living. Defined by its energy, Brampton is shifting, and it’s all happening now.


Ontario’s medtech cluster supports a vibrant industry, innovating and developing a wide range of medical technologies used in the treatment, mitigation, diagnosis and prevention of disease.

It boasts an impressive and growing diversity of companies in terms of size, focus, product and maturity level. Ontario has global-leading health research facilities and highly skilled talent, along with a stellar medtech ecosystem to support innovation that benefits patients, companies and society.

Montreal International

For more than 20 years, Montréal International (MI) has contributed to building Greater Montréal’s international reputation and prosperity by acting as a driving force for economic development.

Toronto Global

Toronto Global’s team of experienced business advisors is ready to help you access the most dynamic and innovative region in the world. We actively seek global companies interested in expanding to the Toronto Region and connect investors with the right opportunities that will facilitate the successful growth of their business. Your success is our business.

Investissement Québec

Québec is known for its diversified economy, its strategic location, its abundant natural resources, its numerous free-trade agreements, its booming exports and its capacity for innovation, especially in high-tech and cutting-edge industries like aerospace.

It’s well known that Québec is a hotbed of creativity and innovation. This is where many important medications were discovered and a host of innovative solutions in aerospace, robotics and high-tech were developed. Did you know that enticing tax credits are available to companies that choose to set up in Québec?


The Artificial Intelligence network of British Columbia (AInBC) was established by business and academic leaders to unify, organize and catalyze the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) communities in British Columbia (BC) to establish BC as a national and global leader in AI by 2022.

AInBC believes that AI/ML is of strategic importance to the economic and social well-being of everyone in BC, and is dedicated to ensuring that BC leads rather than follows.

AInBC recognizes that all members of this community must be served in order to create a vigorous and high-growth ecosystem that benefits all members and the province overall. AInBC is a not-for-profit Society.




MetaOptima is a fast-growing digital health company based in Vancouver, Canada that strives to empower people with advanced technologies to lead a healthier and happier life. Founded in 2012, CEO Maryam Sadeghi and CTO Majid Razmara established a company dedicated to revolutionizing the dermatology and skin care industry with advanced, effective, affordable and intelligent tools. At MetaOptima, we not only take pride in our bold vision to save lives and contribute to better healthcare outcomes, but also work hard to build a successful company, and create jobs and develop tools that make the world a better place for patients, doctors, and businesses.


Translucent is a data-driven digital transformation service provider & ML technology partner focused on building customer solutions & increasing business value through software innovation. Established in 2010, we accelerate the adoption of digital technologies by leveraging our expertise in Kubernetes and application development, coupled with utilizing our data-focused and comprehensive AI platform, TEKStack AI.




Translucent_Case Study TC HIMMS CS Health LS Efficiency Tools

Translucent_Case Study – emrchiver SickKids



In 2005, Picomole was founded in Edmonton, Alberta, as a spin out from the University of Alberta. In 2008, Picomole completed its first gas analyzer prototype. Picomole relocated to Moncton, New Brunswick in 2011, where the first breath sampler prototype was created that same year. After nationally incorporating in 2013, Picomole ceased operations until 2016, when Picomole refinanced. In 2018, Picomole took a large step in becoming the company that it is today by hiring Dr. Stephen Graham as CEO. Under the guidance of Dr. Graham in 2018, Picomole completed a preliminary study for a lung cancer screening model. Picomole has now completed a proof of concept (POC) study for lung cancer, and is in the process of completing the breast cancer POC. Picomole is poised to change the way disease is detected for years to come.


360Medlink is a software development company focusing on scientifically tested digital health solutions that bring considerable value to patients, providers and payers.

We serve a variety of clients from pharmaceutical/biotech companies, government agencies and healthcare organizations. Our products help improve the lives of chronic disease patients, often from vulnerable communities who tend to fall through the cracks.

Over the years we have built unique expertise in healthcare technology, and continue to expand our strategic partnerships both nationally and internationally.

Today, the 360Medlink proprietary platforms serve as a catalyst inspiring a wide variety of digital innovation.




At Careteam, we believe that every person should have the opportunity to achieve their optimal health. We are dedicated to unlocking the full potential of innovation in health care.

We works with large healthcare organizations, primary and specialty clinics, and health innovators. Our team, technology, and results are trusted by medical and healthcare leaders.


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Intelligent Health
Intelligent Health
Intelligent Health
Intelligent Health